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Within its current borders the Wymiarki Forest District was created on 1 January 1993.

Within its current borders the Wymiarki Forest District was created on 1 January 1993, when Sub-district Iłowa Żagańska was attached to the newly created Żagań Forest District by the ordinance of Ministry of Environment, Nature and Forest Resources Protection (MOŚZNiL - Ministerstwo Ochrony Środowiska, Zasobów Naturalnych i Leśnictwa). The Wymiarki Forest District encompasses three Sub-districts: Gozdnica, Przewóz, Wymiarki. The total area of the forest district is 23,946 ha, including the forest area of 22,985 ha. After World War II, the Wymiarki Forest District and Iłowa Żagańska Forest District were established on the area of today's Wymiarki Forest District. In 1948 Przewóz Forest District came into existence and in 1954 Gozdnica Forest District followed as an independent district. On 1 January 1971 the Wymiarki Forest District was establish from the existing Gozdnica, Iłowa Żagańska and Wymiarki Forest Districts. In 1972 the Przewóz Forest District was also joined to the Wymiarki Forest District.

Definite forest management for Wymiarki, Iłowa Żagańska and Przewóz Forest Districts was based on the state for the date of 1 October 1965. For Gozdnica Forest District it was based on the state on the day of 1 October 1964. In the past, forest management was based on the so called provisional age class tables. In the 1950', provisional forest management plans were used. Currently, the Wymiarki Forest District is during its IV review of forest management plans.

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The forests of the Forest District Wymiarki are classified as belonging to the I (highest) category of the fire hazard.

Fire hazard occurs, when conditions exist for a possible ignition of uncontrolled fire, which would require an organised action to put out.