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Management of game is yet another type of activity in the Wymiarki Forest District. There are four hunting zones in the Forest District. Two of those, with the combined area of 22,500 ha constitute a Game Breeding Centre. The two remaining ones, with the combined area of 14,000 ha are hired by "Koło Łowieckie Cietrzew" hunting association based in Żary.

There are 13 feeding racks, 317 salt licks, over 112 look-outs and 46 tree stands in the zones of the District. We feed the game with over 30 tons of fodder and 0.5 ton of salt yearly.

The Game Breeding Centre of the Wymiarki Forest District is a dwelling place for 250 deers, 660 roe deers, almost 260 wild boars, 225 foxes and a few hundred specimens of small game such as hares, European polecats and American minks, wild ducks, partridges.

 The Zones of the State Forests are increasing in popularity among domestic and foreign hunters. Annually, the Wymiarki Game Breeding Centre is visited by over 150 hunters from France, Denmark, Belgium, Austria and Germany.

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Ogłoszenie o rekrutacji zewnętrznej na stanowisko księgowego w Nadleśnictwie Wymiarki

Ogłoszenie o rekrutacji zewnętrznej na stanowisko księgowego w Nadleśnictwie Wymiarki

Nadleśniczy Nadleśnictwa Wymiarki ogłasza nabór zewnętrzny na stanowisko


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Nadleśnictwo Wymiarki
ul. Łąkowa 1
68-131 Wymiarki

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