The forests of Forest District

The Wymiarki Forest District is a district located on the outer edge of all 20 units of Regional Directorate of State Forests. Forests of the District are located in the Lower Silesian Wilderness (Bory Dolnośląskie), one of the largest forest complexes in the country.

Forests of the region

Państwowe Gospodarstwo Leśne Lasy Państwowe zarządza gruntami leśnymi (zalesionymi i niezalesionymi ) w imieniu Skarbu Państwa na obszarze ponad 71 344 km².Grunty leśne zalesione (czyli głównie drzewostany) stanowią 69 796 km² natomiast obszar przyszłych upraw (grunty leśne niezalesione) zajmuje powierzchnię 1 548 km². Zasięg terytorialny Polski wynosi 322 575 km². Lasy Państwowe gospodarują więc drzewostanami pokrywającymi blisko 22 % całego kraju.Państwowe Gospodarstwo Leśne Lasy Państwowe zarządza gruntami leśnymi na terenie obejmującym cały obszar Polski.

Polish forests

Poland is in the European lead, while concerning the area of all forests. They cover about 29,2 % of the country territory, and grow within the area of 9,1 million hectares. The overwhelming majority of the forests is state owned, of which almost 7,6 million hectares are managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding..

PGL Lasy Państwowe

The State Forests National Forest Holding is the largest organisation in the European Union managing forests, which belong to the State Treasury and celebrating its 90 anniversary this year.

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The Wymiarki Forest District is a district located on the outer edge of all 20 units of Regional Directorate of State Forests. Forests of the District are located in the Lower Silesian Wilderness (Bory Dolnośląskie), one of the largest forest complexes in the country.

The territorial scope of the Forest District is 33,187 ha. Its overall area is 23,947.58 ha, including the forest area of 23,011.77 ha.  The forestation comprises 69.5%. There are 48 employees in the Forest District, 29 of them are filed workers.

The forests are dominated by even-aged pine monocultures. The average forest stand age is 54 years. The average forest stand growth rate is 6.65 m3/ha. The average abundance of forests stands has increased during the last decade to the current 219 m3/ha.