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Forest protection is one of the fundamental areas of economic activity in forestry. It is to employ theoretical and practical knowledge to protect forests from detriment.

Forest officers aim not only to protect the trees as a source of wood, but also, and most of all to protect the entire forest ecosystem. Forest protection is an umbrella term applied to a wide scope of ecosystem elements, where biodiversity of protected flora and fauna species is taken care of as well as the protection soil and water. There is a variety of threats to this complex system posed by factors divided into the following groups: abiotic (posed by inanimate nature factors such as wind, snow formation, frost, drought), biotic (posed by animals, insects and fungi), anthropogenic (caused directly by people).

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Ogłoszenie o rekrutacji zewnętrznej na stanowisko księgowego umowa na zastępstwo

Ogłoszenie o rekrutacji zewnętrznej na stanowisko księgowego umowa na zastępstwo

Nadleśniczy Nadleśnictwa Wymiarki ogłasza nabór zewnętrzny na zastępstwo na stanowisko


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