Places and objects
Two parking spots were made available in the Wymiarki Forest District, to allow tourists to rest and leave their cars in a safe place, e.g. to go mushroom picking.
Worth seeing
As a unique nature and landscape site, the Wymiarki Forest District is an attractive place for tourism and recreation for many Poles.
NIEMAPA to seria przewodników przygotowanych przez Lasy Państwowe z myślą o rodzinach.
Horse path
Horseback tourism comes back to life for a dozen or so years and it becomes not only the way of active rest. It appears that horse riding is an activity which is crucial in any travel offer prepared to fulfill contemporary tourist demands.
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Asset Publisher
Mushrooms path
Mushrooms path
W leśnictwie Zabłocie wspólnie z naszym partnerem Stowarzyszenie LGD Bory Dolnośląskie powstała kilkukilometrowa ścieżka edukacyjna opisująca podstawowe gatunki grzybów kapeluszowatych, zarówno jadalne jak i trujące i niejadalne.