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The current reserves of wood in the Polish forests are estimated at 1.5 milliard m3. In the previous years, an average of 70 000 m3 of timber yearly has been harvested in the Wymiarki Forest District. Harvest cutting constitutes 40% of the amount. The rest comes from silvicultural activities which condition the correct growth and further development of forest stands. Through such use, abundance of our forests is constantly increasing.

The primary methods of timber harvesting in the forest district are the short wood system and the long wood system, as determined by the current market demand.

The equipment used for harvesting and hauling in the Wymiarki Forest District are the most modern machines such as harvesters, forwarders and skidders. They are owned by forest-service companies performing forest works.

However, there are many places in the district where the traditional methods are still more efficient and economic. Here, the sawing machines and tractors, and in particularly difficult conditions - horse hauling, are still used.

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Zapraszamy na miejskie mikołajki!

To już tradycja! Po raz trzeci, 6 grudnia na zielonogórskim deptaku, wspólnie rozświetlimy choinkę z lasu.

Zapraszamy na Mikołajki Miejskie w Zielonej Górze!

To będzie wyjątkowy i magiczny dzień dla wszystkich zielonogórzan! Kilkunastometrowa jodła, która rozbłyśnie na deptaku jest prezentem dla zielonogórzan od leśników. "Choinka z lasu", która przyozdobi Zieloną Górę to kontynuacja podjętej przez Lasy Państwowe i Urząd Miasta Zielona Góra w 2017 roku tradycji -  pachnące lasem drzewo świąteczne zostanie przywiezione do Zielonej Góry z terenu Nadleśnictwa Babimost.


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